Vegan Diet Plan for Weight Loss: 5 Effective Ways to Try in 2023


vegan diet for weight loss satvic foods

Vegan diet plans for weight loss have gained popularity over the years. With homemade vegan food, you can lose weight more sustainably and healthily. 

Moreover, In India, vegan diets are not a new concept. A traditional Indian diet usually emphasizes vegetables, lentils, and fruits and low to no meat consumption. 

With the growing availability and accessibility of easy-to-make processed food, weight loss has become challenging. Junk food might be convenient, but it negatively affects your weight and mental well-being.

You can choose a vegan diet plan as your weight-loss approach. In this comprehensive guide, we have enlisted healthy and satvic food items you can include in your vegan diet plan to lose weight.

vegan diet plan for weight loss satvic foods

Foods to Help You With Weight Loss

A vegan diet plan for weight loss is a healthy and sustainable choice. They are suitable for the environment and your body and mind. Let's discuss some food items you can include in your weight loss vegan diet plan to go ahead with a healthy weight loss journey.


You can prepare incredible vegetarian recipes with vegetables like tomatoes, spinach, eggplant, carrots, okra, bitter melon, cauliflower, mushrooms, cabbage, etc. 

Vegetables have a lot of nutrients to offer, and homemade vegan recipes for weight loss are an excellent substitute for processed food. 

They don’t even have to be bland in taste. You can use Indian spices from Satvic Foods’ to add nutrition and make them delicious. Satvic Foods’ Rajwadi Garam Masala is a fantastic spice blend that can help with digestion and nutrition absorption. 

Try Satvic Foods' Rajwadi Garam Masala to make your dish healthier and tastier.


For a healthy vegan diet plan for weight loss, including fruits in your daily diet is also a must. Apples, papaya, pomegranate, guava, oranges, melon, pears, and plums are fruits with low calories, high-water content, and soluble fiber, ideal for promoting hydration and aiding weight loss.


Lentils are a great addition to a vegan weight loss diet as they are high in protein and fiber, which can help you feel complete for extended periods. They also have a low glycemic index, which helps regulate blood sugar levels and prevent cravings. Fewer cravings will prevent unnecessary meals. 

Protein sources 

Adding protein-rich vegan food items is also a great way to lose weight. Tofu, paneer, and soya are some of the best low-calorie protein sources and must be included in your vegan diet plan. 

Nuts are also a protein-rich snack alternative you can add to your vegan diet plan to avoid unhealthy snacking with junk food. You can find the goodness of nuts' nutrients in a wholesome blend with protein dry fruits ball from Satvic Foods’. 

You must try Satvic Foods’ Dry Fruits Ball for a great addition to your vegan diet plan!

Tips to Support Your Vegan Weight Loss Diet Plan!

  • Have a schedule: Time your meals to get your body into a pattern. This will increase your metabolism and promote healthy eating habits necessary to lose weight.
  • Portions: Whether or not you’re following a vegan diet plan, the amounts you take always matter. 
  • No Commercial drinks: Avoid drinking store-bought drinks, smoothies, or protein shakes, as their calorie content is unhealthy for your body. 
  • Manage Sugar Intake: Even if you have vegan weight-loss recipes, a moderate sugar intake is recommended while losing weight. 
  • Apart from these tips, remember to follow the basics for losing weight naturally, like exercising regularly, having a good sleeping schedule, and maintaining your mental health for body image issues. It will make your vegan diet plan for weight loss more effective. 

    Vegan Diet Plan for Weight Loss with Satvic Foods

    A vegan diet plan for weight loss is the way for many people struggling with weight. While it is significant to embrace your body the way it is, keeping it healthy for your overall well-being is equally vital. 

    People go vegan to save animals, but it offers many other benefits. One of them is an excellent approach to weight loss. You will see significant changes if you incorporate the food mentioned above items and tips into your vegan diet plan for losing weight.

    Weight loss might be a long, tiring journey, but make it tastier with Satvic Foods'.

    With Satvic Foods', you can get the proper nutrients for your body in various wholesome flavors delivered to your doorstep.


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